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  • VRH A | Chovateľská stanica Sole di Mezzanotte | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    LITTER A LUNA MAGNOLIAPASSCO X NORBERT LOVE ME Date of birth 07.11.2019 Aurora Borealis♀ Alice in Wonderland♀ A star is born ♀ Amber Rose ♀ Autumn Leaves♂ Amore Mio ♂ Aston Martin ♂ Agent 007 ♂

  • Novinky | Chovateľská stanica Sole di Mezzanotte | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    Novinky 2022-2023 08.01.2025 Im Presenting first of our 2 expecting litters . 02.01.2025 We wish all supporters, those interested in a puppy, Cavalier lovers, owners of our puppies and our friends all the best for the New Year. May it be better than the old one and less painful. I would like to say that I managed to draw a rough line behind everything, but it is not always possible.. However, bitches and nature decide for us, so at the turn of January / February we will welcome 2 new litters. 1. The litter will be in the color BH and TR and 2. only in the color BH. Some puppies will be available for families as pets but also for those interested in Shows and breeding. For more information, you can contact me. I believe that I left everything bad in 2024 and that both Mom and Puppies will make it and we will enjoy the little bundles. 31.12.2024 This year I wasn't in the mood to update the page or post successes from shows and the like... However, a quick recap and look back at 2024 Essence of Love SDM - Essie, opened Slovak Champion, passed health tests - Heart - Doppler, Eyes - ECVO tests, Patellas, and got her Breeding license. Essie currently lives with my parents as a pampered only child and I'm not sure if she will ever return to the rings because her condition is not showable :D Femme Fatale SDM - Emma - Unfortunately, we did not manage to finish the Slovak Junior Champion, emmka has some kind of curse of Second Place and even in Huge competition she reached a maximum of Second Place. However, she managed to start the Slovak Adult Champion, she also passed health tests and Also got her Breeding License Glittering Star SDM - Mia our youngest member became Slovak Puppy Champion but because of her size I decided not to show her anymore for now, as far as breeding is concerned I will decide what to do with her next. Unfortunately, thats life .. Health of other Dogs: Autumn Leaves SDM - LEO He passed an MRI examination, a Hip Examination and also a Doppler Heart Examination at 5 years old with a cleaR result :) Believe in Destiny SDM - Stella Had an MRI Scan and Doppler at the Age of 4 She Also Has a Clear Heart Luna Turned 8 Years Old in December and She Also Has a clear Heart Dream Catcher SDM - Romeo will soon pass all health tests as he has been a stud dog for some time now :) 20.7. 2024 Update of the web i never wanted to do, 20.7. Heart of our Beloved William stopped forever. It was sudden and unexpected , he left quietly in my Arms and will be forver missed. My life will never be the same. 07.2.2024 The puppies are 6 weeks old. 07.1.2024 On December 27, 2023, the long-awaited puppies were born to us, we have 3 boys - 2 Bh and 1 Tr and 3 Bh bitches. Both the mother and the puppies are fine.

  • Novinky | Chovateľská stanica Sole di Mezzanotte | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    23.12.2023 prajeme Vám krásne prežitie vianočných sviatkov v kruhu blízkych . 22.12.2023 S blížiacimi sa sviatkami je u nás o jeden malý dôvod na radosť viac , koncom októbra sme sa vybrali so Stellou na dobrodružnú cestu do Holandska cesta bola úspešná a už o pár dní sa u nás narodia šteniatka. moje vysnívané a dlho plánované spojenie , šteniatka zatiaľ vopred nerezervujem :) 09.-10.12.2023 femme fatale sole di mezzanotte - naša emma mala na MVP v nitre soju výstavnú premiéru v triede mladých v 9 mesiacoch si vybehala 2X Výborná 2 . Tým sme ukončili našu menej aktívnu výstavnú sezonu , pretože nás čakajú omnoho príjemnejšie starosti :) . 07.11.2023 Vrh A - prvý vrh v našej CHS oslávil 4. narodeniny. Všetko najelepšie Veľa zdravíčka : Teddy, James, Aston, Leo, Bertička, Sissy . A spomíname na Alicku ktorá nás nedávno opustila aj na Najmladšiu Sestru Auroru ktorá zomrela ako šteniatko. 07.10.2023 Zúčastnili sme sa klubovej výstavy Slovenského Cavalier klubu. Emma - Femme Fatale Sole Di Mezzanotte VN1/6 Romeo - Dream Catcher Sole di Mezzanote V3 Emička sa rozlúčila so šteniatkovskou triedou vo veľkom štýle a vyhrala silnú triedu dorastu. A Romeo sa stal chovný psík. MOc Ďakujem Romeovej majiteľke za starostlivosť o Romea a počas výstavy aj o mna a Emmu :) .. 02.10. 2023 Alice in Wonderland Sole di Mezzanotte 07.11.2019-02.10.2023 V pondelok poobede som dostala veľmi smutnú správu, Alicka nezvládla svoj boj s veľmi vážnou chorobou ktorá mala veľmi rýchly priebeh ( suspekt. Babezioza ), Alickyní Majitelia zareagovali veľmi rýchlo a pohotovo na kliniku rovno priniesli so sebou ich druhého psíka, ktorý daroval Alicke krv ale ani transfuzia nepomohla . Alicka bola uplne prvé šteniatko narodené v mojej chovateľskej stanici, táto správa ma veľmi zasiahla . Spi sladko bláznivé veselé dievčatko. A majiteľom prajem uprimnú sustrasť, Ďakujem za lásku a starostlivosť a za krásny život hoci príliš krátky ktorý s vami mala. 23.9.2023 Zúčastnili sme sa klubovej výstavy v ČR. Emma Vn/12 Leo V/5 15.9.2023 Kedže posledné foto všetkých naších členov sú viac ako rok staré dvaja najnovší členovia tam chýbali. Musela som to rýchlo napraviť. Zbožňujem spoločné fotky a myslím že to celkom dobre dopadlo až na Leov jazyk :) .. z Ľava - Luna, Emma, Stella, William, Leo, Essie. 11.9.2023 Vrh E osláil 1 rok . všetko najlepšie Essie , Sunny, Evie, Daisy, Dash. Veľa zdravia . A majiteľom Ďakujem za starostlivosť o stelline prvé šteniatka . 20.8.2023 We were at international dog show in Bratislava. Dream Catcher Sole di Mezzanotte- EX2 Femme Fatale sole di mezzanotte - Very promising 1 , and in finals she was shortlisted from all minor puppies. 10.8. 2023 I had short summer break, no shows , so Its time to post something from our last show in July . First weekend of july we attended dog show in Velka Ida ( SK), this show is really dear to my heart , my first Show dog Finnished her Junior and Adult Champion there and its Near place I grew up every summer. Autumn Leaves SDM ( Entered for 2 days) -2x CAC, Believe in Destiny SDM - 1x VG 1, 2x CAC - After season and false pregnancy no coat on Stella but she did great job, she wasnt shown a lot since Her Junior age as she doesnt like shows much, but I think with age she overcome her hate tovards shows. Essence of Love SDM- 3x Excellent- Essie after false pregnancy and in worst young age , in huge competition. Femme Fatale SDM ( Entered 2 days) - 2x Very promissing, Emm is little showmant and my Hope for future , she finished her Puppy Champion at only 4 months. 14.7.2023 There were some tragical things happening at our home past weeks and years, I m considering if we will have next litter in Winter or no. Im always available for owners of my puppies. 22.6.2023 Emma ( Femme Fatale Sole Di Mezzanotte ) has updated pictures in her galery ( By Kat. of course) 11.6.2023 Emma at 3,5 months was on her first show Femme fatale sole di Mezzanotte - Very promising 1, BOB Minor Puppy, Bis Minor Puppy, Supreme Best In show Minor Puppy, She was amazing and Im so proud of her, huge thanks belongs to our Handler and trainer Nikol. 10.6.2023 Litter F is in new homes. 29.4.2023 We were at Slovak CLub Show , Leo Got his CUP for TOP CAVALIER SK 2022 Leo and Romeo have new Pictures by Kat. 25.4.2023 litter F is 9 weeks 10.4.2023 Litter F is 7 Weeks. 3.3.2023 Autumn Leaves Sole di Mezzanotte - TOP cavalier 2022 02.04.2023 Spring danube Believe in Destiny Sole di Mezzanotte V1 CAC Stella is Champion of Slovakia 31.3.2023-2.4.2022 Slovak elite puppy show Essence of Love sole di Mezzanotte Very Promising 1 Spring danube ( Sunday ) Essence of love sole di Mezzanotte Very promising 1 Essie is Now Slovak Puppy Champion 31.3.2023 Victory Show Autumn Leaves Sole di Mezzanotte V1 CAC Victory Winner 28.3. 2023 Litter F is 5 weeks 25.3.2023 Dream Catcher Sole di Mezzanotte is one year old. ☆☆☆ 21.02.2023 Puppies are one week. We took their first official pictures ( more in galery of F litter ) They are growing so fast. ☆☆☆ 21.02.2023 Bertička - A ´star is Born Sole di Mezzanotte Is Mom to 7 puppies 4 girls a 3 boys 2 boys are looking for new homes ☆☆☆ 18.02.2023 What a day at Show in Nitra, LEO, ROMEO, ESSIE my little show team. Essieminor puppies - Verry promising 1 Romeo Junior Class- EX. 1 CAJC Leo Champion Class- Excellent 1 CAC CACIB BOS. ☆☆☆ 15.02.2023 I took Stella and her puppies to eye specialist all with clear results. all my dogs have up to today all health checks clear. m ☆☆☆ 06.02.2023 We are expecting Litter. ☆☆☆ 09.01.2023 I took girls to Brno and they have new pictures from katka Šimečkova as well :) ☆☆☆ 09.01.2023 Leo and Nikol started Show season in Brno with R. CAC. Picture by Kat Šimečkova :) ☆☆☆ 01.01.2023 Happy new year from all of us :) ☆☆☆ 27.12.2022 Berta got her Slovak Beauty champion. ☆☆☆ 27.11.2022 Winter Danube Autumn Leaves Sole di Mezzanotte - Leo Champion class- V1 Cac CACIB BOB Last show in this season and leo and Nikol shined together :-* ☆☆☆ 24.12.2022 Merry Christmas from our family :) ☆☆☆ 26.11.2022 Winter Danube A´star is Born Sole di Mezzanotte - Berta Open Class- V1, Cac, R.Cacib Brand new Champion of Slovakia Autumn Leaves Sole di Mezzanotte - Leo Champion class- V1 Cac Brand new Slovakia Show Champion ☆☆☆ 13.11.2022 Litter E 9 weeks and new pictures from my friend Juraj. ☆☆☆ 7.11.2022 Litter A Happy 3. Birthdays Picture -leo by Juraj. ☆☆☆ 6.11.2022 Litter E weeks ☆☆☆ 30.10.2022 Dream Catcher Sole di Mezzanotte 1. show Very Promising 1. Congrats to his owner Lydia and thank you for everything. picture by Katka Šimečková ☆☆☆ 30.10.2022 Autumn Leaves Sole di mezzanotte - LEO Results from this weekend in Bratislava with his beloved Handler Nikol EXC 1 CAC , R. CACIB EX. 2 R. CAC Picture by Katka Šimečková ☆☆☆ 14.10.2022 Pupies are almost 5 weeks. They are not available. But boys after my Leo in kenel Pro Dixi ( Cz) are looking for new homes. 21.10.2022 Puppies are 6 weeks old ☆☆☆ 24.10.2022 Autumn Leaves Sole di mezzanotte with Nikol- in Champion clas out of 5 dogs got: EXC3 , EXC 1 CAC, R.CACIB, EXC 2 R.CAC ☆☆☆ 14.10.2022 In kennel pro Dixi CZ 3 BH boys after my Leo are looking for new homes. for more info please contact me. ☆☆☆ 05.10.2022 puppies are 3,5 weeks , I updated pictures in galery of E litter. ☆☆☆ 28.9.2022 puppies are 2,5 weeks, all have opened eyes and all are growing so nice . stella is really good mommy. i add pictures to folder Litters / litter E. ☆☆☆ 11.9.2022 WE HAVE PUPPIES! STELLA IS MOM TO 1 tr BOY 3 tr GIRLS 1 bh GIRL ☆☆☆ 28.08.2022 my Life with dogs is mostly about loosing your own comfort, overcome myself and lazynes tiredness, wake up early, drive hours to shows.. We have been on wedding friday and I had entered show for sunday, I almost didnt wake up but I overcome myself.. And what a great success at CACIB Szekesfehervár - Autumn leaves Sole di mezzanotte -ex. 1 CAC CACIB BOB. And brand new champion of Hungary!. ☆☆☆ 23.08.2022 Its confirmed our stella will be mom in few weeks. soo happy that soon we will have second generation of my own puppies. ☆☆☆ 15.08.2022 Leo getting R. cacib in Sunday Istra dog show ( behind Cacib boy who is already International Ch. ) means that he fulfiled conditions to become International beauty champion . For official confirmation we will have to wait a bit but we are soo proud and happy with his results. Many thanks for pictures and poster from Katka Šimečkova. ☆☆☆ 15.08.2022 from 04.08 until 07.08 we were on Istra dog show in Slovenia, beautiful night show near Sea . I was hoping for last CACIB for International champion for Leo. he got 1xcac and 1x rcac 2xRcacib in huge Champion class of 5 dogs . Im so proud of my hardworking baby. ☆☆☆ 21.07.2022 New pictures of all our dogs, thanks to Katka šimečkova ☆☆☆ 21.07.2022 Litter C is one year old . Happy birthday boys ☆☆☆ 17.07.2022 Sarvar Show in Hungary Leo got Cac R.Cacib with his handler, and sunday with me R cac. ☆☆☆ 10.07.2022 New pictures from lavender fields from Katka Šimečkova. ☆☆☆ 10.07.2022 romeo left to his new home. at the moment we dont have puppies but we are planing bh and tr puppies. ☆☆☆ 10.07.2022 Friday and Sunday we were in Nitra international dog show, leo got both days CAC in champion class. ☆☆☆ 04.07.2022 We spend nice weekend in Slovenia, on dog show Cacib Rogla, Leo is now Champion of Slovenia, stella was with us too and she got r CACIB, AND THIS WAS HER LAST SHOW FOR THIS SEASON. ☆☆☆ 24.6.2022 little Romeo - Dream Catcher Sole di Mezzanotte is 3 Months old. ☆☆☆ 23.6.2022 Stellinka - Believe in Destiny Sole di Mezzanotte is 2 years old Happy birtday Princessa . ☆☆☆ 13.6.2022 Autumn Leaves Sole di Mezzanotte is GrandChampion of Slovakia. During this weekend in Nitra he got with his Handler 3x CAC, 3xCACIB a 2xBOS, what a great couple their first show together and after few trainings. ☆☆☆ 03.06.2022 We were at Sk Jubilee Club show, and our Leo had great results, from breed Specialist, he got first day Exccelent, and second day Excellent 2 R.Cac. And he also became Club champion. I´m so proud of him. ☆☆☆ 03.06.2022 Litter D is 10 weeks. Our little singleton has new pictures. ☆☆☆ 16.05.2022 my first cavalier William - Diamond William magnolia passCo Celebrated 9 years. ☆☆☆ 09.05.2022 From this weekend show we are taking home Leo : 1x Cac and 1x Rcac, Stella : 1xCac ☆☆☆ 14.04.2022 New pictures of my dogs many thanks to Katka Šimečková ☆☆☆ 03.04.2022 Leo ( Autumn Leaves Sole di Mezzanotte) , got his 4. CAC and became CHampion of Slovakia. First adult champion from our Kennel. 25.3.2022 We Have puppies 17.3.2022 Leo is back from his trip in spain. 11/7/2021 All puppies from litter C are in their new families. I wish them a beautiful life with their new owners and may they make their families happy. I will be very much looking forward to photos and news from new homes. We are planning more litters in the spring of 2022 ☆☆☆ 11/7/2021 My first litter. Litter A celebrated 2 years. ☆☆☆ My beloved boy Leo, Autumn Leaves Sole di Mezzanotte, celebrated 2 years. ☆☆☆ 30.10. We took part in an international show in Bratislava and Bertička (A Star is Born Sole di Mezzanotte) got two more CAC . Bertička has 3x CAC and has officially become a breeding female. ☆☆☆ 26.10. 2021 Leo, Autumn Leaves Sole di Mezzanotte, was at the show in Komárom and over the weekend he collected 1xCAC, 1X R CAC and 1x R CACIB. ☆☆☆ 10.10. 2021 My beloved sweet princess Stella, Believe in Destiny Sole di Mezzanotte, became the Czech Junior Champion. At the age of 15 months, this is her third Junior Championship. ☆☆☆ 9/28/2021 Leuška and I took part in the International show in Nitra, from the show weekend he takes 3x CAC. I'm very proud of my boy. ☆☆☆

  • Dry Coat | Chovateľská stanica Sole di Mezzanotte | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    C A V A L I E R K I N G C H A R L E S S P A N I E L D ry Coat Another great helper in gROOMING. Drycoat or antistatic clothing is used immediately after thoroughly blow-drying and grooming the dog, the dog is dressed in a Lycra clothing, which prevents the coat from standing in an undesirable direction and removes static electricity. The clothes are light and very effective so that the dog can move in them. Choose Material I want to order

  • Sučky | Chovateľská stanica Sole di Mezzanotte | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    JCH SK, JCH HU, JCH CZ Believe in Destiny Sole di Mezzanotte STELLA ESSIE Puppy CH SK, Essence of Love Sole di Mezzanotte EMMA Femme Fatale Sole di Mezzanotte BERTIČKA A´Star is Born Sole di Mezzanotte Jch. Ch Sk Luna Magnolia PassCo Luna Veteránky

  • Kontakt | Chovateľská stanica Sole di Mezzanotte | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    Contact C A V A L I E R K I N G C H A R L E S S P A N I E L Have you read everything about the Cavaliers? Before you decide to contact me, make sure that the cavalier is really for you, that you have read everything that has been said about the cavaliers, that you are convinced that in the next 10-15 years he will become a full member of your household. At the same time Please be polite and respectful in our conversations . Just as I opened my heart on the web, poured out my soul and wrote about life with my cavalier, so I ask you to introduce yourself to me, wrote me about you, your experience with dogs, about why you think the cavalier is really an ideal choice for you and why I should entrust my puppy to you. I am not a big kennel, puppies are not born often and therefore I choose families that are willing to wait for their real puppy. Families stay in touch with me , write me information about themselves and their intentions. Please don't lie to me, be honest. Puppies are a big event for me - I carefully choose promissing parents and when puppies are born I have time off at work and I only deal with puppies and mother, I regularly inform about the growth and progress of puppies future owners, from 4 weeks I receive the first visits for puppies . ( I expect at least one visit before puppy is leaving to new home ) They leave around 12 weeks or later fully socialized and ready to live in a new family. If you have come here and you are still convinced that the puppy from me is right for you, then I will look forward to your news and that you will become a part of my family. Ing. Klaudia Schifferová, Šaľa, Slovakia e-mail: Ing. Klaudia Schifferová, Šaľa, Slovakia Name Last name E-mail Subject Message SEND

  • VRH C | Chovateľská stanica Sole di Mezzanotte | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    LITTER C LUNA MAGNOLIAPASSCO X WOMANIZER OF AN EXCELLENT CHOICE Date of birth 21.07.2021 Calvin Klein Crazy in Love Casino Royale

  • Šteniatka | Chovateľská stanica Sole di Mezzanotte | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    Puppies Pregnancy confirmed by ultrasonography. We are expecting 2 litters. End of January - BH and TR puppies End of February - BH puppies I WANT A PUPPY C A V A L I E R K I N G C H A R L E S S P A N I E L Planned litter We are expecting two litters of puppies. Both parent pairs have complete health tests. Doppler, MRI, DNA Tests, EYES and Patella Some puppies will definitely be looking for a new families, but that all takes time. First of all I need moms and puppies to be here and knowing that everything will be okay. Kontakt Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a small, elegant dog with a sharp and friendly expression. She has a long, silky coat without curls. Color varieties black and tan, ruby, blenheim or tricolor are acceptable. It is important to ensure a good diet for the dog. It has a long, silky coat, which is relatively easy to maintain. The hair is not trimmed or trimmed, you just need to comb it regularly with a brush and bathe if necessary. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is gentle, playful, intelligent, with a supply of love for all. He is happiest when he can be with his family. He learns new things quickly and you can teach him almost anything. What he really doesn't like is going to be alone .

  • Chovateľská Stanica | Sole di Mezzanotte | Šaľa | Cavalier | Šteniatka | Kavalier | s PP | výstavy | chov | čistokrvné | šteniatka |

    Sole di Mezzanotte Kennel cavalier king charles spaniel I WANT A PUPPY NEWS C A V A L I E R K I N G C H A R L E S S P A N I E L SLEDUJTE NÁS @soledimezzanotte_kennel

  • STELLA | Chovateľská stanica Sole di Mezzanotte | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    STELLA C A V A L I E R K I N G C H A R L E S S P A N I E L JCH SK, JCH HU, JCH CZ Believe in Destiny Sole di Mezzanotte Stella Luna Magnolia PassCo x Womanizer of an Excellent Choice ✴ 6/23/2020 Health NOVEMBER 2021 Heart / DOPPLER -Clear Eyes - clear Patelly - 0/0 DNA tests - EFC, CC / DE - clear Results from shows Junior Champion Slovakia Junior Champion HUNGARY Junior CHAMPION OF CZECH REPUBLIC 4 BOJ 9x Cajc gallery STELLA

  • LUNA | Chovateľská stanica Sole di Mezzanotte | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    Luna C A V A L I E R K I N G C H A R L E S S P A N I E L Jch. Ch Sk Luna Magnolia PassCo Luna Médea od Ptačí Skály x Stonepit Make it Happen ✴ 12/25/2016 Health NOVEMBER 2021 Heart / DOPPLER - Clear Eyes / cleaR Patelly - 0/0 DNA tests - EFC, CC / DE -Clear by parents Results from shows JUNIOR CHAMPION OF SLOVAKIA CHAMPION OF SLOVAKIA 1x Bos 2x CACIB gallery Luna

  • WILLIAM | Chovateľská stanica Sole di Mezzanotte | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    WILLIAM C A V A L I E R K I N G C H A R L E S S P A N I E L Diamond William Magnolia Pass Co William Medea of Bird Rock x Royal Times Darlington ✴ 16.05.2013 gallery William

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The site was created by Elizu

Aktualizované 07.02.2024

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